Infant Massage Workshops are excellent

for Expecting Parents, New/Step and

Adoptive Parents with infants age, birth

to 1 year old and Foster Parents of

children age, birth to 7 years old

Parents can invite Grand Parents, a close relative, or a friend in the event the family has or is expecting multiple births such as twins, triplets, etc.

Workshops are held once a week for a total of five weeks.  Each week a new area of the body and specific massage techniques are presented.  During the week the parents are to perform the techniques on their child, so the steps of the techniques become second nature.  During the weekly meeting parents are encouraged to ask questions, express concerns, seek clarity, give comments, and feedback before we move on to the next area of the body. The last class is graduation and consist of the parents performing the techniques from beginning to end so the instructor and the parent are confident the parents have mastered the techniques.  Each family is then awarded a certificate of completion.

The emphasis and focus of the workshops are to:

  • Help you get more sleep, thereby minimizing your sleep deprivation & exhaustion.
  • Lower or eliminate postpartum depression and new baby related tensions.
  • Increase your confidence, relaxation and peace of mind.
  • Decrease parents stress and fears.
  • Decrease your child’s stress.
  • Help parents understand their baby’s fussing, crying, colic, constipation, teething, & gas issues.
  • Strengthen your family by forming the foundation for a lifetime of bonding and communication.
  • Get Dad’s involved and help activate Dad’s parenting hormones.
  • Help parents understand their child’s language of crying.
  • Allow Preemies an opportunity to experience the benefits of the gift of touch.
  • Improve circulation, weight gain, immune function, and growth.
  • Sooth sore muscles.
  • Teach appropriate touch & respect.
  • Enhance brain development, digestion & elimination.

It is our hope and prayer that a class of this magnitude can also help avoid “Shaken Baby Syndromes”