This program is in memory of Gazell's daughter who stayed too long in her abuse. Her name is Gazella. Those who love her call her Zella

Nurturing Hope Program:

The Nurturing Hope program provides a day of Nurturing and hope, an oxygen mask, a haven, a place to let go, regroup, refresh, refuel, be nurtured & cry if need be; so, the body isn’t holding its pain or stress and can achieve a healthy immune system to build a defense against cancer, illness and disease.

The Nurturing Hope package consist of a massage, manicure, pedicure, facial, colon sessions, an appointment with an Image consultant, a Tailor & a Holistic Nutrition consultant. The individual can pick and choose which services are beneficial and relevant to their life. A Professional Organizer, Time Management Consultant and Home Cleaning Assistance are soon to come.

Zella’s Nurturing Hope Program is needed:

  • So those who care for/serve/help others can be rejuvenated.
  • Because sometimes it takes more than sleep before the body can feel rested.
  • Because we are all hurting, or uncomfortable in some way or another.
  • For those who are in/or a survivor of an abusive relationship.
  • Because life is stressful.
  • Because sometimes love hurts.
  • Because being in emotional pain, dealing with stress, pain, isolation, secrecy, un-forgiveness and humiliation are toxic to the body.
  • Because caregivers and those who constantly give or serve others oftentimes do not have time or take time for themselves and do not share with others what they are going through.
  • Because exhaustion, stress, anxiety, heartache, isolation, embarrassment, humiliation, betrayal and un-forgiveness are all toxic to the body & flares it with illnesses & diseases such as heart attacks & cancers.
  • Because exhaustion, abuse and pain, etc, affects all sex’s, races & income brackets.
  • Because on average, nearly 20 people per minute1are abused in the United States. Within one year, this equates to more than 10 million women and men.

Please consider donating to this worthy cause so those less fortunate can also experience a much-needed day of hope.